Il processo di produzione

Koji Room

Koji Room

①KOJI Malt

The KOJI room is filled with a slightly sweet aroma. That is the proof of a superior quality KOJI. Carefully selected ingredients and the KOJI mold come together as one, fermentation is repeated and the alcohol is born.

First Fermentation of MOROMI

First Fermentation of MOROMI

②SHUBO, Fermentation Starter

Production of “The Mother of SHOCHU” . Mixing Koji malt, water and SHOCHU yeast to slowly propagate the yeast mash.

Potato Washing Machine

Potato Washing Machine


Thoroughly wash freshly harvested sweet potatoes from the farm. We polish the sweet potatoes with our sincere appreciation to the farmers as well as the grace of the land and nature.

Checking Sweet Potatoes

Checking Sweet Potatoes


After washing, the sweet potatoes are picked up and checked one by one. Sweet potatoes are such a delicate ingredient. We detect any damage on the potato by using all five senses to the fullest. Any damaged parts and both ends are cut off in order to protect the true taste and aroma. All processes are done by hand.

Sweet Potato Steamer

Sweet Potato Steamer


Not too hard and not too soft. While the sweet potatoes are steaming for approximately an hour, a sweet aroma covers the brewery. Then the perfectly steamed sweet potatoes are broken into small pieces. The most ideal condition to ferment is an hour by steam.

Fermentation Room

Fermentation Room

⑥Secondary Fermentation of MOROMI

The fermentation room where the alcohol will be slowly produced. Watching over the production for approximately 2 weeks, it seems like we are watching our own children grow. During this slow process the yeast mash is stirred with expectation, we monitor the temperature and watch it quietly with love. The proof of growth is the sensitive aroma overflowing from the tank.

Distillation Equipment (For atmospheric and vacuum distillation)

Distillation Equipment (For atmospheric and vacuum distillation)


Depending on the brand, the distillation process may vary. This is when the all important aroma will be defined. Our distiller is like no other and is our secret weapon. It can be used for both atmospheric and vacuum distillation.

Maturation Tank

Maturation Tank


Matured in a “Porcelain Enamel Tank” in order to remove the strong gas smell and distinct rough taste of unrefined SHOCHU. Maturation periods very. The SHOCHU complete maturation process for some styles may take a few months while others may take more than a few years.